<delivery>💥МГНОВЕННАЯ 24/7 выдача товара сразу после покупки!💥 Товар выдается автоматически даже если мы оффлайн. </delivery><attention>❗️Обратите внимание на характеристики товара перед его покупкой❗️</attention>🌟 (DLC) Port Royale 3: Harbour Master 🌟 Данный продукт является дополнением к игре. Для его активации нужно иметь основную игру. Характеристики: Тип: Ключ активации Регион активации: ROW Клиент для игры: Steam Локализация: EN Платформа: PC Год: 2012 --------- Описание: With the Harbour Master DLC you can enhance Port Royale 3 with six completely new building types, several decoration objects for your cities and with an economic adviser, who will give you useful hints. In addition you will now have more control over the defense of your cities and you will be able to build ships on your own! Key Features Six new buildings (e.g. embassy or fire department) Decoration objects like plants, statues or several pavings More control over the extension of the defense lines Economic adviser who gives useful advice when necessary Build your own ships © 2013 Kalypso Media Group. All rights reserved. Developed by Gaming Minds Studios GmbH. Published by Kalypso Media Group. All other logos, copyrights and trademarks are property of their respective owners.