<delivery>💥МГНОВЕННАЯ 24/7 выдача товара сразу после покупки!💥 Товар выдается автоматически даже если мы оффлайн. </delivery><attention>❗️Обратите внимание на характеристики товара перед его покупкой❗️</attention>🌟 (DLC) Omerta - City of Gangsters - Damsel in Distress 🌟 Данный продукт является дополнением к игре. Для его активации нужно иметь основную игру. Характеристики: Тип: Ключ активации Регион активации: ROW Клиент для игры: Steam Локализация: EN Платформа: PC Год: 2013 --------- Описание: Omerta - City of Gangsters is a simulation game with tactical turn-based combat. Taking the role of a fresh-from-the-boat immigrant, with dreams of the big life, the player will work his way up the criminal hierarchy of 1920’s Atlantic City. Starting with small jobs, his character recruits a gang and expands his empire by taking territory from other gangsters. Eventually he establishes his own crime syndicate and becomes the de facto ruler of Atlantic City. Key Features: Historically accurate representation of Atlantic City and its landmarks Strategic gameplay allows city overview, planning, expansion and gathering of intel Turn-based tactical combat with a cover system and stealth action 15 unique player controlled characters each with unique personalities and backgrounds A RPG system for development of player characters and managing their equipment 15+ hours of gameplay in a single play-through 20 unique maps visualizing the various districts of Atlantic City