<delivery>💥МГНОВЕННАЯ 24/7 выдача товара сразу после покупки!💥 Товар выдается автоматически даже если мы оффлайн. </delivery><attention>❗️Обратите внимание на характеристики товара перед его покупкой❗️</attention>🌟 (DLC) Neurodeck: Supporter Pack 🌟 Данный продукт является дополнением к игре. Для его активации нужно иметь основную игру. Характеристики: Тип: Ключ активации Регион активации: все страны Клиент для игры: Steam Локализация: EN Платформа: PC Год: 2021 --------- Описание: Welcome to the Supporter Pack of Neurodeck ! We are so happy about all the good caring that Neurodeck players have towards us and the game itself. As a token of your great support, here is a pack including: A devbook in English ; The soundtrack of the game, consisting of 18 tracks. The devbook As the TavroxGames team works fully remote, you would probably curious to know how Neurodeck was managed. This devbook shows the whole development process of the game with pictures and anecdotes by all the persons who have taken part in the project. Experience feedback, inspirations or description, Neurodeck's development will have no more secret for you! The soundtrack You want to listen to the music in another context or just chilling on it? Then, this pack is for you. 18 soundtracks are available, enjoy them as much as you can! We hope you will enjoy this content!